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Your Potential.

Redefine your Legacy.

Health optimization programs

for the modern man.

Primal Living Principles

Personalized Labs

Performance Based Medicine

Community & Support

your health & masculinity are under attack...

Pills. Pesticides. Processed Foods. Porn.


Your brain & body have been hijacked. Every day you are bombarded with pernicious messages, dopamine depleting vices, harmful chemicals and the demands of a hustle culture.


You want to be a loving & present dad. You're trying to be a playful & passionate partner. But you're tired, overwhelmed, physically and emotionally tapped, struggling to keep up with work deadlines, & family schedules. You feel hopeless and helpless, so you shamefully numb yourself while society tells you

dad-bods are cool & this is all just part of aging.  


We're here to tell that It's NOT NORMAL.

It's NOT NORMAL for you to be exhausted.

It's NOT NORMAL for you to lack clarity, focus & drive.

It's NOT NORMAL for you to want to stay quiet.

And it's NOT OKAY to sit back and let it happen.



Our Signature 12-Week
Peak Performance Intensive

Ignite your energy.
Reclaim your mojo. 
Transform your life.  

Are you ready to break your cycles of burnout & destructive habits?

Are you tired of cookie-cutter programs and quick fix fads?

Are you looking for a tailored, data-driven solution that yields lifelong benefits?


Rugged Gentleman® Elite was designed with the busy, high-performing, family man just like you in mind. Combining simple principles rooted in primal living, raw data from personalized labs, and customized protocols based on your results & goals, we work with you to establish sustainable routines that boost energy, improve focus, increase testosterone, blast fat & optimize wellness from the inside out.


We guarantee you'll look better, feel amazing & be performing at the

top of your game in just 90 days!


It's time to take control of your health and unlock your full potential so you can be the energetic and resilient leader your family deserves, excel in your career, inspire those around you and create a fulfilling and abundant life.



- Rugged Gentleman® Blueprint
- Signature Masterclass
- Weekly Flex Sessions w/ hot seat coaching
- Monthly 1:1 with Dr. Jess

- Community Support
- Exclusive discounts on testing & professional grade supplements
- Priority Scheduling
- Eligibility for our VIP memberships

Sunset Run

what is a Rugged

He is strong. He is resilient. He is grounded in his masculine energy.


He is disciplined. He is dependable. He is loyal to his family.


He is a leader. He is a lover. He is comfortable in his own skin.


He is successful. He is humble. He does the hard sh*t when no one is watching.


He will stand alone if it means standing for what's right.

He takes bold ownership for his life.

He makes decisions but never excuses,

and always strives to live his best.

am i
Rugged gentleman® material?

This program is right for you if:


  • You are committed to making serious change

  • You're a no BS kinda guy

  • You take 100% ownership for your choices and your life up until now

  • You believe that your health dictates how you show up as a husband, father & businessman

  • You value your health as part of your legacy 

  • You're more afraid of regret than of failure

  • You're tired of feeling tired and seeking help with no real answers

  • You're looking for a comprehensive approach to your health & wellness 

  • You like data 


4 Steps to optimizing health & becoming the man you were meant to be.


Individual Biomarker Analysis

We begin by unraveling the story your body tells through testing and analysis of hundreds of biomarkers.

No guesswork. All data.

Raw and unfiltered.


Performance Based Medicine

Forget cookie-cutter programs. Your plan is carefully crafted from the data your body provides and the results you desire. From nutrition, supplements, training, testosterone, peptides and more, every aspect is customized specifically to and for you. 


Primal Living Principles

Men are simple and your health should be too.  Tap into your primal roots as you develop a sustainable daily routine that yields huge results.


Community & Support

You are not alone. With expert guidance from Dr. Jess and the community of RG brothers at your back, you'll have the support every man needs for accountability and optimal results.

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meet YOUR Personal GUIDE


"No mentor will ever care more about your success

- as a father, as a husband, as a man -

than the female who never received the dad she deserved".


"If there were a sports hall of fame equivalent for men’s doctors, Dr. Jess should be inducted for excellence in men building. I am truly grateful to have such an amazing advocate and powerhouse of guidance &mentorship in health, mental strength, physical tuning and support on this quest for self-improvement.  I started seeing her 3 years ago and knew immediately that her approach was new, real and aggressive in finding ways to take a broken-down man and leading me to the best of my capabilities - she has helped me shed weight, lethargy, mental drag, low libido and overall lack of energy while helping me find lasting gains in the engagement of my ambitions, health and cognitive goals in both business and my home life."

Matt, 46

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